
by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.
A True Help for the Uterine Fibroid
Tumor ( Myoma )
My Mother
I am a medical doctor, and my mother was 68 and had just
been to her Gynecologist who happened to be my class mate from medical school 10 years earlier. She had been diagnosed
with a uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) also known as a uterine fibroma or myoma the size of a softball by ultrasound.
I had just been reading a book by J. Lee, M.D., a Norwegian physician in Sevastapol, California. Lee, M.D. had
been treating uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) also know as uterine fibromas with great success for several decades
with a simple over the counter hormone that could be bought at the health food store. I was very skeptical. My
experience in medical school taught me that a uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) was treated by a hysterectomy. However,
Lee, M.D. was saying something very different! He was claiming that too much estrogen could cause a uterine fibroid
tumor ( myoma )! For the first time in my medical career this cause of a uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) made sense!
Mainstream medicine readily acknowledged that women that had uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) and not on HRT (hormone
replacement therapy - conjugated estrogen/progestin) after menopause would have their uterine fibroid tumors (
myomas ) shrivel up and disappear. Lee, M.D. advised to treat a woman with a uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) by
taking her off HRT and then giving her a simple over the counter hormone cream/oil.
So that is what I advised my mother with some trepidation.
The first hormone cream that I gave my mother actually caused her uterus to get BIGGER. With horror, I checked
the ingredients and found that the manufacturer had actually included some herbs that had a strong estrogen effect.
The herbs that had been put into the cream were known phytoestrogens.
I switched hormone creams to a different manufacturer and
apologized to my mother. She used the hormone cream diligently. Three months later, a repeat ultrasound showed
that the uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) had disappeared! However, my medical school classmate, a board certified
Gynecologist still wanted to do a hysterectomy to remove her uterus for future potential uterine fibroid tumors
( myomas ). My mother refused and 4 years later she still has her uterus. The uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) has
not returned. In retrospect, I found that almost always uterine fibroids disappear after menopause if the woman
is NOT taking prescription estrogen from her doctor. So it is likely that stopping prescription estrogen alone after menopause
would have gotten rid of the uterine fibroid. The Natural Progesterone just hurried getting rid of the fibroid along.
Later I researched the new cream that I had given my mother
and found with dismay that the hormone cream contained an emulsifier that was very toxic. Three cc's of the emulsifer
used in the cream when taken by mouth by an adult resulted in fatal convulsions! So if she ate one third of the
bottle of the hormone cream she would die of fatal convulsions - not from the hormone but from the toxic emulsifier!
So again I apologized to my mother and gave her a new hormone cream.
For premenopausal women with fibroids and Natural Progesterone use, the fibroids disappear, remain the same size, or rarely get bigger. The fibroids that rarely get bigger
do so because of xenoestrogens (foreign chemical estrogens). This is usually accompanied by an increased of soreness of breasts. Chronic exposure to xenoestrogens desensitizes the body to estrogen. In other words, the
body tries to get used to too much estrogen, by becoming less sensitive to estrogen. When Natural Progesterone is taken, the body resensitizes
the estrogen sensitivty back to normal, and it appears as though the patient is getting more estrogen even though estrogen exposure is NOT increased.
The solution is to STOP Natual Progesterone, STOP xeonestrogen exposure for 1-2 months, and then start the Natural Progesterone again in 1-2 months.
Read about it here.
Go to our new website that summarizes the cause of uterine fibroids and how to fight them. In a nutshell, the cosmetics and toiletries contain chemicals and herbs that mimic estrogen. These xenoestrogens or foreign estrogens are causing the uterine fibroids.
In some cases of increased fibroid size, patients may have difficulty excreting all chemicals including xenoestrogens. This is usually marked by
a hypersensitivity to smell and a sensitivity to small amounts of drugs like coffee and/or alcohol. Low level anxiety and fear
creates this difficulty in excreting chemicals. The low level anxiety or fear may be due to past sexual abuse, physical abuse,
jumping through hoops to perform to be loved and accepted, perfectionism, control, or fighting constantly with parents. A woman that competes
in a man's world that strives to be equal to men also seems to be a common theme. This constant emotional stress changes appears to increase
cell membrane rigidity and impairs excretion of xenoestrogens.
Pleasant Valley Church in Atlanta, Georgia runs value priced seminars that treats this impaired
excretion rate quite well (706) 646-2074.
Get Rid of Uterine Fibroid
Tumors( Myomas )!
NO Surgery!
Dr. Lee Treats Uterine Fibroid Tumors (
Myomas ) Successfully
Dr. Lee further writes in his book "What Your Doctor
May Not Tell You About Menopause" :
"Otherwise known as myoma of the uterus, uterine fibroid
tumors ( myomas ) are the most common growth of the female genital tract. They are round, firm, benign (i.e. noncancerous)
lumps of the muscular wall of the uterus, composed of smooth muscle and connective tissue, and are rarely solitary.
Usually as small as a hen's egg, they commonly grow gradually to the size of an orange or grapefruit. The largest
uterine fibroid tumor ( myoma ) on record weighed over 100 pounds. They often cause or are coincidental with heavier
periods, irregular bleeding, and/or painful periods.
Uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) are also one of the most
common reasons that women in their thirties
and forties have a hysterectomy. Some particularly skillful surgeons are capable of removing only the uterine fibroid
tumor ( myoma ), leaving the uterus intact, but they are the exception.
Uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ), like breast fibrocysts,
are a product of estrogen dominance (too much estrogen). Estrogen stimulates their growth, and lack of estrogen
causes them to atrophy. Estrogen dominance is a much greater problem than recognized by contemporary medicine.
Many women in their mid thirties begin to have anovulatory (nonovulating) cycles. As they approach the decade before
menopause, they are producing much less progesterone than expected, but still producing normal (or more) estrogen.
They retain water and salt, their breast swell and become fibrocystic, they gain weight (especially around the
hips and torso), they become depressed and lose sex drive, their bone suffer mineral loss, and they develop fibroids.
All are signs of estrogen dominance.
When sufficient hormone is replaced, uterine fibroid tumors
( myomas ) no longer grow in size (they generally decrease in size) and can be kept from growing until menopause,
after which they will atrophy. This is the effect of reversing estrogen dominance."

"Uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ), like breast fibrocysts, are a product of estrogen dominance (too much
estrogen). Estrogen stimulates their growth, and lack of estrogen causes them to atrophy."
John Lee, M.D.
Dr. Lee further writes in his book "What Your Doctor
May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer" :
"Fibroids (benign tumors that grow in the uterus) are the most common reason that women visit a gynecologist in the ten or so years before menopause. Fibroids tend to grow during the years before menopause and then atrophy after menopause. This suggests that estrogen stimulates fibroid growth, but we also know that once they get larger, progesterone too can contribute to their growth. Many doctors prescribe Lupron injections to block all sex hormone production. This causes fibroids to shrink, but they regrow when the injections are stopped. The anti-progesterone drug RU-486 is also used to reduce the size of larger fibroids.
Women with fibroids are often estrogen dominant and have low progesterone levels. In women with smaller fibroids (the size of a tangerine or smaller), when progesterone is restored to normal levels, the fibroids often stop growing and shrink a bit, which is likely due to progesterone's ability to help speed up the clearance of estrogens from tissue. If this treatment can be continued through menopause, hysterectomy can be avoided.
However, some fibroids, when they reach a certain "critical mass," are accompanied by degeneration or cell death in the interior part of the fibroid, and will have interaction with white blood cells that ends up with the creation of more estrogen within the fibroid itself. It also contains growth factors that are stimulated by progesterone. Under these circumstances, surgical removal of the fibroid (myomectomy) or the uterus (hysterectomy) may become necessary. When you think of treating smaller fibroids, your should be thinking in terms of keeping your estrogen milieu as low as possible; when treating large fibroids, all hormones should be kept as low as possible.
The last thing you want to do if you have fibroids is take estrogen, which will stimulate them to grow. If you're estrogen dominant, then it's important to use supplemental progesterone , usually in doses of 20 mg per day during the luteal phase of the cycle. Sometimes this approach works to slow or stop the fibroid growth, and sometimes it doesn't. It is worth a try. Reducing stress, increasing exercise, and reducing calories are also good strategies for slowing fibroid growth.
There are a number of techniques for removing fibroids without removing the uterus. If your doctor doesn't know about these, find another one who does! The difference in recovery time alone between laparoscopic removal of fibroids ( for example) and hysterectomy is three weeks versus three months.
Ultrasound tests can be obtained initially and after three months to check results. A good result would show that the fibroid size hadn't increased, or had decreased by 10 to 15 percent. With post menopausal hormone levels, fibroids usually atrophy (and not taking prescription estrogen)."

"The over the counter hormone cream, saved my mother
from the expense and pain of a surgical operation to remove her uterine fibroid!"
Elizabeth Smith, M.D.
"From my women patients, I learned that uterine fibroid tumors
( myomas ) were most often a sign of estrogen dominance. I also recommend adding vitamin E in dosages of 600 IU
at bedtime, supplemental magnesium (300 milligrams a day), and vitamin B6 (50 milligrams per day)*. This treatment
is simple, safe, inexpensive, successful, and natural."
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Jesse Hanley, MD who coauthored the book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You Abut Premenopause" with John Lee, MD
now uses Indole-3-Carbinol 200 mg/day to treat uterine fibroids otherwise known as myomas. Hanley, MD seemed to have
a high level of confidence that using Indole-3-Carbinol for fibroids has a high level of success. Recently, I talked
to a Colorado Springs nutritionist that also used Indole-3-Carbinol and Bioflavinoids to treat uterine fibroids for decades.
This nutritionist seemed to think that she has a success rate of 85%-100% in getting rid of fibroids using
indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-Carbinol is a derivative from
brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. Indole-3-Carbinol gives your body the raw material to deactivate estradiol. So you may
or may not have hot flashes while taking indole-3-carbinol. However, you may only need to take indole-3-carbinol
for 3-4 months. Do not use DIM. In our clincal experience of using DIM (Diindolymethane) for 2 years, we did not get any
results with fibroids. Click on this link for a fibroid ( myoma )
uterus health kit that includes indole-3-carbinol, bioflavinoids, and Natural Progesterone.
*Whole grains also regulate hormonal levels due to
their high levels of vitamin B and vitamin E, which have a beneficial effect on both the liver and the ovaries.
In 1942, a researcher named Biskind found that B vitamin deficiency hindered the liver's ability to metabolize
estrogen levels in both animal and human test subjects. The addition of B vitamin supplementation to the diet of
women suffering from PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fibrocystic breast disease helped to decrease the severity
of their symptoms. Studies conducted at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s found that taking a specific B vitamin,
pyridoxine B6, helped to relieve symptoms of menstrual cramps and PMS.
Research also conducted during the 1980s at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center similarly found, in several
placebo controlled studies, that vitamin E is useful in reducing many PMS symptoms, as well as fibrocystic breast
discomfort. Other studies have found that vitamin E supplementation reduced menopause related hot flashes, fatigue,
and mood swings in 66 to 85 percent of the women tested, depending on the study. One additional study noted a decrease
in the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in 50 percent of the postmenopausal women volunteers.
© 2001-2003 Uterine Fibroid Tumor ( Myoma ) Education,
Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, translated, transmitted, framed or stored
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